2O36 Giving Week has ended, but you can still contribute to this year's Giving Week totals by clicking this banner!
Emory's 2O36 Giving Week is complete!

This fun-filled week of giving back ended at 1:00 p.m. Friday, November 1. A big congratulations to all who participated in raising funds to help Emory students flourish. Download our thank you images to thank your donors and network!

#2O36GivingWeek might be over, but you can still contribute to this year’s totals if you didn't get a chance to make your gift during the week. 

You made 2O36 Giving Week rock!
Nov 08, 2024

You rocked 2O36 Giving Week!

We’re amazed by your generosity during 2O36 Giving Week. Each dollar given directly supports Emory students with scholarships, experiential learning, campus activities and organizations, and well-being services.

And we can’t wait to see you rockin’ those exclusive Emory-themed tattoos!

More than 1,625 of you joined together and raised more than $212,000 to help Emory students flourish inside and outside the classroom. Together, you contributed:

$90,995 to student services and campus experiences
$46,570 to student organizations
$38,935 to academic departments and centers
$31,307 to scholarship and fellowship funds
$5,050 to other (unrestricted, etc.)

Your investment in these core areas accelerates the success of students and elevates the campus experience.

Every gift to Emory matters, especially yours. Please take a moment to enjoy this thank-you video from all of us here at Emory:

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC
1309 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 GA 1309
2 NY 138
3 CA 107
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Or you can contact us at annualgiving@emory.edu.