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William and Anne Munroe Shapiro Endowment

After more than 40 years of teaching at Oxford College, Political Science Professor Bill Shapiro retired in 2022. Dr. Shapiro was recognized a number of times for his excellence and leadership in the classroom and beyond. In 2017, the William and Anne Munroe Shapiro Endowment was created to provide academic materials and books to Oxford students.

This 2O36 Giving Week, our goal is to strengthen the William and Anne Munroe Shapiro Endowment at Oxford College.

“During my first semester at Oxford, my grades had started to falter just a little bit. I got an email during mid-term deficiencies from Dr. Shapiro. It wasn’t because I had a C, I still had an A, but I’d failed the last three quizzes and he wanted to know if I was doing okay -- also to make sure that I would start doing better, he’d been wanting to make me a teaching assistant (TA) the next year. The fact that there was someone who was actually watching out for me, and cared enough to check on me meant the world. That was the moment that I realized I’d made the right choice in coming to Oxford because these are the kind of people who teach us here. I put myself into my school work after that because I realized I needed to make the most of this place." - Samantha Flaugher 17Ox 19C

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