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Theater Emory

College students who participate in the arts have an increased sense of belonging and connection to campus. The arts help students become well rounded by developing their creativity, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Theater at Emory has inspired so many students over the years, thanks to your amazing support. Because of you, they've received awards and grants to dive into their creativity. We’re asking for your help to keep this magic alive.

Your support can help students advance their careers by subsidizing living expenses and tuition and fees so they can participate in internships, summer stock theater opportunities, and training programs across the United States and internationally.

Students pour their hearts into writing, designing, and acting in productions here at Emory. The skills students develop through Theater at Emory pave the way for incredible careers, not just in the arts but in countless other fields. Your support and encouragement play a huge role in their journeys.

Help us keep Theater at Emory strong! Thank you in advance for your support!

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