The Emory Writing Program teaches writing as an active, social, and empowering process. We prepare students to communicate effectively in academic, professional, and personal settings, and serve writers across the university at all levels. Our program understands writing to encompass all forms of communication, in addition to academic writing across disciplines and genres.
The Emory Writing Program reaches almost 800 students annually in First-Year Writing classes, through our minor, and in the many writing courses we offer. The program is home to the Emory Writing Center, which supports over 1,000 writers per year in one-on-one tutorials, group workshops, and community partnerships. The program also includes the English Language Learning Program (courses and community for multilingual students) and Writing Across Emory (professional development for communication instructors across the curriculum). The impact of writing practice and confidence on student academic success cannot be overstated: empowered student writers succeed in college courses, communicate effectively in professional settings, and transfer those communication skills broadly.
In 2024, we are fundraising to support several new and ongoing initiatives:
In the past, the Emory Writing Program and the Writing Center have used our limited funds to bring students to local theater productions, to present research at conferences, and more. Philanthropic giving would ensure even larger-scale events and activities that could have lasting impact on students' professional goals and intellectual opportunities, as well as provide direct financial assistance for students in our program.