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Emory Collegiate Black Christians

Collegiate Black Christians is an interdenominational Christian group at Emory, and one of three undergraduate Intervarsity chapters here at Emory. Our ministry aims to provide Christian fellowship for all students as we strive to honor Christ. CBC also strives to disciple/encourage students to live as unapologetically Christian and unapologetically Black. We host weekly Bible studies for all students, and other impactful events including our semesterly Worship Nights open to the whole campus. Worship Nights have been attended by over 100 students from various backgrounds and fellow Christian organizations each semester.

CBC is fundraising to support our continued ministry efforts at Emory and in the surrounding Atlanta community. The funds will help us organize transportation for service projects and fund student programming such as Worship Night, our upcoming Hard Questions Forum, study sessions, game nights, and other outreach events on campus. The financial support will also help us pay for CBC leaders and members to attend yearly Intervarsity Conferences that help students grow in their faith, build community with other college students from around the country, and develop their leadership skills.

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