Oxford College

Discover the Impact of Your Generosity

Every corner of Oxford's campus bears witness to the transformative power of donors' generous contributions. The Oxford College Fund for Excellence plays a pivotal role in advancing our institution by providing crucial support for the college's most pressing needs, as determined by the dean. This support encompasses scholarships and enriching campus experiences that empower our students.

Oxford College is experiencing historic highs in applications, reflecting our growing appeal. However, the number of competitive applicants seeking financial assistance has also increased. To maintain our commitment to accessibility, regardless of family income, we rely on your support for the Oxford College Scholarship Fund. Your contribution will help us expand scholarship offerings, fostering a diverse and talented student body.

But that's not all. With your help, we will further elevate the Oxford experience. Our plans include expanding our renowned travel program, enhancing our leadership development initiatives, and creating more internship opportunities. These enhancements will empower our students as they prepare for the next chapter of their academic and personal journeys, ensuring they are well-prepared for life beyond Oxford and Emory.

At Oxford, we firmly believe that every single gift makes a difference. Your contribution allows us to uphold our commitment to providing highly effective, personalized education that prepares our students for success. With your support, we can continue this tradition for generations to come.

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