Oxford Center for Pathways and Purpose

The Oxford Center for Pathways and Purpose brings together and amplifies programs and resources to help students explore, engage with, reflect upon, and integrate academic, co-curricular, and career development experiences. With specific initiatives designed to support student flourishing through vocation and values exploration, community-engaged learning, global learning, leadership development, undergraduate research, and meaningful internships, the Center for Pathways and Purpose intentionally facilitates impactful student experiences.

Consider the following impact statement of Maia Choi (19Ox 20C), who is a current PhD student in Psychology and former community engaged learning student, “My favorite times were working with students one-on-one. Of course, the behavioral difficulties displayed by students were covered in class, but it can be pretty difficult to study human behavior from a textbook. Through this, I saw how behaviors and disorders were not as clear cut as the textbook described them; they existed on a spectrum. Figuring out what was going on with students and how to help them was a puzzle. I [later] interned at an inpatient substance use treatment center and at Partners Against Domestic Violence, a nonprofit organization in Atlanta that aids survivors of domestic violence. By providing services in the community, I saw the impact that evidence-based preventions and interventions could have to mitigate risk and positively impact the lives of individuals.” Your support will sustain similar transformative academic work that forms the foundation of Oxford College. 

Funds will be used to support: students with unpaid or underpaid summer internship, externship, and research experiences; student participation in professional development opportunities, including conference attendance and networking events; ride share and other transportation costs to enable students to access employment, internship, and experiential learning opportunities in Oxford and Atlanta; student access to international experiences through travel grants and the passport initiative.

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