Buddhist Life

Buddhist Life at Emory seeks to create opportunities to enhance Buddhist community and practice on campus through regular programming. Buddhist Life programs focus on meditation, teachings, community visits, and activities from the various Buddhist schools and traditions. Our regular programs include bi-weekly meditations, Dharma discussions, semesterly off-campus retreats, and holiday ceremonies attended by students, faculty and staff along with Buddhist friends from the Atlanta area.

Donations to Buddhist Life will help with our communal practices such as getting more cushions for meditation, creating the new Buddhist Altar/Shrines for Cannon Chapel and the Emory Interfaith Center, organizing special Dharma discussions with guest teachers, and our retreats.

The off-campus Buddhist retreat is increasingly popular among students. The opportunity to practice in the mountains away from the internet and electronic devices attracts both Buddhist and non-Buddhist students as it allows for rest, peace and meaningful community.

When describing a recent Buddhist retreat experience at the new Emory Interfaith Center, a current student said, “Our mini retreat provided us with the opportunity to pause and reflect on the reasons we are all members of EBC and why we are so deeply committed to it. Each one of us holds a distinct personal connection to the club and has a unique relationship with Buddhism. Engaging in open discussions about these perspectives allowed us to come together, aligning our values and forging a shared vision for the year ahead. The activities and exercises we engaged in during the retreat, led by Venerable Priya, not only demonstrated mindful attention but also granted us a fresh sense of clarity as a group, equipping us to more effectively support our wonderful community.”

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