Emory Interfaith Center

The Emory Interfaith Center is a multifaith resource center for spiritual, cultural, service and social justice learning, programming, and practice as well as a gathering, study, and reception space for Emory's many vibrant spiritual and philosophical communities.

As we open the center, funds are needed for many things–including religious goods, decorative artwork, AV equipment, and programming supplies. 

Emory’s interfaith programming, such as the WISE pre-orientation program, continues to introduce students to spiritual traditions in ways that allow them to learn, ask questions, and build bridges with people of all backgrounds. The Interfaith Center will enhance this by providing designated space for these interactions and symbolizing Emory’s commitment to bridge-building in our world today. When describing the Fall 2023 WISE program, a student participant said, “It was an extremely enriching experience that I am so blessed to have been a part of. I learned more about other cultures in that week than I ever have in my entire life! If any of my friends get into Emory, I will definitely encourage them to do WISE!”

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