Emory University Chaplaincy

The Emory University Chaplaincy provides opportunities for spiritual, religious, and philosophical life and exploration for all Emory students, faculty, and staff. Our multifaith team and campus spiritual communities enrich the campus community by offering opportunities for worship, prayer, meditation, education, service, social justice engagement, and pastoral care.

For Emory Day of Giving, we are highlighting these giving opportunities:   

  • Gifts to the Center for Religious Life support the ongoing programming of the Emory Interfaith Center, which includes dialogue events, special holiday celebrations, and more.
  • Gifts to the Journeys of Reconciliation Endowment Fund support an interfaith travel program for students, faculty, and staff to learn about peace and social justice issues in the world.   
  • Gifts to the Inter-Religious Council support weekly gatherings of 25 representatives of undergraduate Atlanta-campus spiritual organizations for dialogue and building interfaith leadership.   
  • Gifts to the Voices of Inner Strength Choir support Emory’s longstanding and dynamic gospel choir in their ministry of music through semesterly performances.  
  • Gifts to the Dean’s Discretionary Fund support students, faculty, staff, and community members in need, charitable causes, and proposals that reach beyond other initiatives. 

You can also designate your support for HinduBuddhistJewishChristian, or Muslim programs, which will support the expansion and deepening of community-specific leadership and programming.   

Your support on this Emory Day of Giving will help us to continue these initiatives and strengthen our ability to serve the spiritual needs of the Emory community in the dynamic context of the city of Atlanta.

The Longshot Power Hour Complete
But you can still make a gift!
The Longshot Power Hour
Who were the longshots who won this power hour? The first randomly selected winner is an anonymous donor who made their gift to Juice Ultimate Frisbee team, and the second randomly selected winner is Tracy Barash who made their gift to the Executive Women of Goizueta. Both funds will get $500 extra added to their accounts!
Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge
Congrats to the five winning funds in the Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge: 1st place - Luke Gregory Memorial Compassion Endowment ($1,000), 2nd place - Emory College Scholarships ($800), 3rd place - Goizueta Business School Fund for Excellence ($600), 4th place - Nursing Student Assistance Fund ($400), 5th place - Alpha Phi Omega ($200)
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