Emory School of Medicine offers students an unparalleled educational and clinical experience. From their first lecture, students receive valuable opportunities to learn from a wide range of world-class physician-scientists and health professionals. Your support allows Emory trainees to work with practicing physicians serving a variety of patient populations. Trained in clinical exam methods and cutting-edge science, students and trainees are also taught to understand the socio-cultural complexities and influences that affect the health of individuals.
Fund for Emory Medicine: In an ever-changing world, flexibility is essential. Gifts to the Fund for Emory Medicine offer that flexibility. Your support can be used immediately in the areas of most need that serve the mission of the Emory School of Medicine.
School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship Fund: To deliver the highest quality of care, Emory School of Medicine must recruit the best students and trainees from all backgrounds—regardless of their financial situations. With gifts to the Alumni Scholarship Fund, you ensure that Emory can recruit and support talented students from all economic backgrounds through their medical school journey.
Dental Fund for Excellence: Your gifts to the Dental Fund for Excellence support Continuing Dental Education (CDE), which provides thorough, quality courses and seminars designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and behavior. Past CDE offerings have included the Cleft and Craniofacial Symposium, courses on Implant Dentistry and TMJ, and more.
Allied Health Program Support: Emory’s highly-ranked Allied Health programs in anesthesiology, genetic counseling, medical imaging, physical therapy, and physician assistant education are crucial for providing a higher quality of care that’s accessible to all. Allied health professionals are a crucial part of the care team, and a gift to allied health at Emory bolster the programs’ ability to train these professionals in providing life-changing care that is equitable and accessible.
GO TRAVEL Fund: The Emory Medical Alumni Board established the Global Outreach Traveling Resident/Fellow Award to Visit, Experience and Learn, aka the GO-TRAVEL award in 2014. This award was created to support an Emory resident or fellow on an international clinical rotation experience.
Hamilton E. Holmes Lecture Fund: The Office of the Dean and the Office of Multicultural Affairs for Emory University School of Medicine annually host a lecture in honor of Dr. Hamilton E. Holmes, the first African American to graduate from Emory School of Medicine. Gifts to this fund help support the continued legacy of Dr. Holmes and an educational event in his memory.
School of Medicine Office for Equity and Inclusion Fund: The Office of Equity and Inclusion is committed to strategic initiatives and programs that advance health equity, belonging, and inclusion for everyone in our community. As we work to provide compassionate, cross-cultural health care and lead the nation in innovative health discoveries, we invite you to invest in this important work with us. Your support enables active, intentional, ongoing engagement and professional development through research, scholarship, and connection with the communities we serve.
Your gift in any of these areas helps to set Emory apart by supporting a curriculum that prepares students and trainees to challenge the conventions of traditional care, reshape how medicine is practiced, and promote the health of their patients and communities. With your ongoing support, Emory’s medical school can continue to evolve as a leader in training the very best physicians and healthcare professionals.