Emory Impact Circles

Reimagine what it means to be part of the Emory community. With Emory Impact Circles, you’re able to connect with alumni, parents, faculty, and staff who all share common goals. Together you’ll invest in causes that matter to you.

How it works?
The three Impact Circles (Women of Emory, Black Emory, and LGBT+ Emory) each raise funds that become grants for Emory faculty, staff, and student organizations. To date, the Circles have awarded over $400,000 to more than 20 projects across both campuses.

Why your gift matters?
Unlike most funds, the Impact Circles are not endowed. Each year, we exhaust the funds with every dollar going directly to projects advancing causes important to the respective Circle. Your gift helps us continue offering grants to projects needing support.

Women of Emory – From helping underrepresented communities explore nature to funding an empowerment program for teen girls in metro Atlanta, the Women of Emory Impact Circle aims to transform the lives of women and girls.

Black Emory – Now in its third year, the Black Emory Impact Circle took on projects that focused on expanding global education to historically underserved students, created space for mentorship at Oxford College, and gave stipends to students studying race and difference.

LGBT+ Emory – Join the excitement as we celebrate LGBT+ Emory’s first year of awarding grants. Your gift will help us fund projects that range from the student experience to research.

The Longshot Power Hour Complete
But you can still make a gift!
The Longshot Power Hour
Who were the longshots who won this power hour? The first randomly selected winner is an anonymous donor who made their gift to Juice Ultimate Frisbee team, and the second randomly selected winner is Tracy Barash who made their gift to the Executive Women of Goizueta. Both funds will get $500 extra added to their accounts!
Black Emory Impact Circle Fund Match Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Black Emory Impact Circle Fund Match
Online donations to the Black Emory Impact Circle Fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000. This match was generously contributed by Dr. Greg Vaughn 87C.
$4,280 MATCHED
Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge
Congrats to the five winning funds in the Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge: 1st place - Luke Gregory Memorial Compassion Endowment ($1,000), 2nd place - Emory College Scholarships ($800), 3rd place - Goizueta Business School Fund for Excellence ($600), 4th place - Nursing Student Assistance Fund ($400), 5th place - Alpha Phi Omega ($200)
LGBT+ Emory Impact Circle Fund Match Complete
But you can still make a gift!
LGBT+ Emory Impact Circle Fund Match
Online donations to the LGBT+ Emory Impact Circle Fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000. This match was generously contributed by Jonathan Beam 06Ox 08C and Joe Sandman.
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Or you can contact us at annualgiving@emory.edu.

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