Emory Bike Social

The Emory Bike Social is a group of undergraduate students dedicated to promoting cycling in the Emory community. We organize regular group bike rides (usually with free food and great scenery!) as well as educational, environmentalism, sustainability, and activism-oriented events. We also collaborate with the Emory Spokes Council, our graduate student club, to run the Fixie, a vibrant bike co-op (free bike repair shop) on campus.

We are fundraising to continue to provide memorable experiences for Emory undergraduates and to supply our free-to-use bike shop.

The Longshot Power Hour Complete
But you can still make a gift!
The Longshot Power Hour
Who were the longshots who won this power hour? The first randomly selected winner is an anonymous donor who made their gift to Juice Ultimate Frisbee team, and the second randomly selected winner is Tracy Barash who made their gift to the Executive Women of Goizueta. Both funds will get $500 extra added to their accounts!
Student Organizations: Most Gifts Leaderboard
Emory student organizations create lifelong friends, unforgettable memories, and real-world skills. The top 10 student organizations with the most gifts during Emory Day of Giving will share $6,000 in bonus awards.
Rank Prize Student Orgs Gifts
1 $1,100 Asian Student Organization 326
2 $950 Chinese Undergraduate Student Organization 269
3 $700 Kappa Sigma 265
4 $650 Juice Ultimate Frisbee 234
5 $600 Emory International Relations Association 200
Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge
Congrats to the five winning funds in the Wonderful Wednesday Alumni Challenge: 1st place - Luke Gregory Memorial Compassion Endowment ($1,000), 2nd place - Emory College Scholarships ($800), 3rd place - Goizueta Business School Fund for Excellence ($600), 4th place - Nursing Student Assistance Fund ($400), 5th place - Alpha Phi Omega ($200)
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