Journeys of Reconciliation

Journeys of Reconciliation is an interfaith travel and learning immersion program that explores issues of social justice and builds relationships between Emory University and communities in the U.S. and around the world.

The program invites groups to encounter the world's challenges, to hear stories of change and liberation, and to seek wisdom from outside the university's walls. The goal of each trip is that participants will be transformed into more thoughtful and caring citizens of the world.

Journeys expenses often include flights, honorariums for local partners, transportation, meals, lodging, and activities.

Many students who apply to go on Journeys request financial assistance, and so funds go toward scholarships that make Journeys accessible to all who are interested.

The Impact of Your Gift

Although COVID has impacted our ability to travel in recent years, the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life recently co-sponsored a learning journey in March of 2022 to visit the Muscogee Nation, the Native peoples of Georgia, in Oklahoma.

We welcome your support of Journeys so that we can continue to offer such transformative experiences and scholarship aid in the future. 

Dooley’s Undergraduate Programs Challenge
Congratulations to the following funds who won the Dooley’s Undergraduate Programs Challenge. 1st place - $2000: Oxford College Scholarship, 2nd place - $1500: Emory College Scholarships, 3rd place - $1000: Oxford College Library, 4th place - $500: Student Well Being Fund
Rank Prize Undergrad Academic and Campus Programs Donors
1 $2,000 Oxford College Scholarship 50
2 $1,500 College of Arts and Sciences 21
3 $1,000 Oxford College Library 17
4 $500 Student Well-Being and Experience 16
5 School of Nursing 11
Top Donors - Departments, Centers, Programs, and Networks Leaderboard
Congratulations to the following 10 funds that won the Top Donors Leaderboard among departments, centers, programs, and networks! 1st place - $1800: Black Law Student Association, 2nd place - $1600: Youth Theological Initiative, 3rd place - $1400: Emory College Scholarships, 4th place - $1200: Volunteer Medical Interpretation Services, 5th place - $1000: Emory Crew, 6th place - $800: Student Well Being Fund, 7th place - $700: Young Democrats of Emory, 8th place - $600: Christian Life, 9th place - $500: Student Well Being Fund, 10th place - $400: Oxford College Library
Rank Prize Departments, Centers, Programs, and Networks Donors
1 $1,800 Emory Black Law Student Association 77
2 $1,600 Youth Theological Initiative 68
3 $1,400 College of Arts and Sciences 55
4 $1,200 Volunteer Medical Interpretation Services 51
5 $1,000 Club Sports 49
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