Dooley’s Undergraduate Programs Challenge
Congratulations to the following funds who won the Dooley’s Undergraduate Programs Challenge. 1st place - $2000: Oxford College Scholarship, 2nd place - $1500: Emory College Scholarships, 3rd place - $1000: Oxford College Library, 4th place - $500: Student Well Being Fund
Rank Prize Undergrad Academic and Campus Programs Donors
1 $2,000 Oxford College Scholarship 50
2 $1,500 College of Arts and Sciences 21
3 $1,000 Oxford College Library 17
4 $500 Student Well-Being and Experience 16
5 School of Nursing 11
Scholarship Challenge - Most Donors
Removing financial barriers through scholarships allows Emory to replace student loans in financial aid packages. As a top priority of the 2O36 campaign, scholarship support is at the core of helping students flourish. The top 5 school-based scholarship funds with the most donors by 1:00 p.m. EDT on November 4 will share $5,000 in bonus awards. Gifts must be made through the school participating group page to qualify.
Rank Prize Scholarship Funds Donors
1 $1,500 Oxford College Scholarship Fund 88
2 $1,250 Candler Master of Divinity Scholarship Fund 31
3 $1,000 Emory College Scholarships 30
4 $750 Nursing School Scholarship Fund 25
5 $500 Rollins School of Public Health Scholarships 18
Top Donors - Departments, Centers, Programs, and Networks Leaderboard
Congratulations to the following 10 funds that won the Top Donors Leaderboard among departments, centers, programs, and networks! 1st place - $1800: Black Law Student Association, 2nd place - $1600: Youth Theological Initiative, 3rd place - $1400: Emory College Scholarships, 4th place - $1200: Volunteer Medical Interpretation Services, 5th place - $1000: Emory Crew, 6th place - $800: Student Well Being Fund, 7th place - $700: Young Democrats of Emory, 8th place - $600: Christian Life, 9th place - $500: Student Well Being Fund, 10th place - $400: Oxford College Library
Rank Prize Departments, Centers, Programs, and Networks Donors
1 $1,800 Emory Black Law Student Association 77
2 $1,600 Youth Theological Initiative 68
3 $1,400 College of Arts and Sciences 55
4 $1,200 Volunteer Medical Interpretation Services 51
5 $1,000 Club Sports 49
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